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My main goal for both my internships was to learn as much as I could about my field of study, and I can definitely say I achieved that and more. Through client meetings, vendor presentations, and on-site visits; I was exposed to programs, vendors, products, and a real-world work environment—something I am extremely grateful for. Not only was I able to get a feel for how a commercial firm works, I have gained a better idea of what my future career entails and what I would like in the firm I ultimately work at.


In short, I had two incredible summers at HKS and PDR. I was truly impressed with both firms, look forward to staying in touch, and am excited to see what future employment opportunities could entail!



Words cannot express how excited I was when I heard that I had been chosen to join the HKS Healthcare Interiors studio in Dallas for a summer 2015 internship. Little did I know this summer would meet and exceeded all of my expectations. Over the course of two months, I fully immersed myself in design through watercolor and sketching courses, Revit training, and site visits, all while staying on top of the tasks asked of me by my team. I can certainly say I’ll be returning to school with articles to add to my portfolio, skills and experiences to include in my resume, and an even greater enthusiasm for my field of study.  Thank you again HKS for making this summer one of my satisfying and rewarding to date!






The summer before my junior year, I had the opportunity to intern at Planning Design Research (PDR) in Houston. Starting with my first day, PDR took me under their wing as an intern and was willing to teach me programs that I have yet to get into at school. I learned more this summer, gained real-world work experience, and made more connections than I ever could have sitting in a classroom; and I am extremely thankful for having the opportunity to do so there.





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